#vampire tmnt
oleander-nin · 10 months
Yandere ROTTMNT Vampire Headcanons
A/N, not important: I am so sorry this is so late. I haven't been doing very well lately. I have one more vampire thing in the works, and I'm also going to start getting as many of my requests done as possible. Feel free to ask questions if you need clarification or want a certain thing answered. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.
CW: Food insecurity, withholding of food, vampires, bites, dark themes, violence, yandere
Words: 1696
Summary: Yandere ROTTMNT Vampire Headcanons
Tag list: @f1oricide @itsyagurlchip @lordfreg @acutiewithagun @rottmnttmnt2012 @lixnininotnay
Mikey tries to hide it from you for a while, mostly because he doesn’t want you to be aware of his added abilities. He thinks it’s just funny now when you try to plot an escape or fight back, since now you really have no chance. Most likely, you never even realized he was a vampire until he first sinks his fangs in your wrist.
He thinks biting you is like, subtly romantic since you’re more or less blessing him with your blood. You’re allowing him to live off your own life, and it just pulls him further into his delusions of love. Obviously you’d fight back harder if you truly hated him. I mean, so far, he only has to chain you down!
Mikey will constantly talk about your future with him. Now that he’s going to live forever, he knows he actually means it when he says he’s never leaving your side. He’ll track down the original mutant to get them to infect you, ensuring that you’ll be with him until the sun goes out. He’s absolutely giddy at the thought, updating you every day on his hunt for the mutant until he finds them.
Before he can infect you, he’s even clingier than before. His skin always feels cold now, so he’s drawn to your natural warmth and just likes to be near you.
Watches you sleep a lot as he lays with you. Now that he can see in the dark, he doesn’t want to waste a single moment where he could be admiring you.
Once he finally turns you, he’s ecstatic. His only grief is that he can’t feed from you any more, but he’s plenty happy with the certainty you’ll never be able to leave him.
If you complain about being turned, he’ll get upset. He did this for you! He ensured both of you would be together forever more, and now you’re being ungrateful. He’ll pout for a while, trying to convince you of all the ways your life is better now.
He’ll withhold blood from you if you misbehave. Because you obviously can’t hunt yourself, you rely on Mikey to get you your food. If he thinks you’re being unfair, or aren’t listening, he’ll conveniently ‘forget’ to get enough food to feed you as well.
He gets surprised when you fight back more after being turned, your enhanced strength and speed making him question his choice for a small while. He doesn’t like that you have a better chance of leaving now. He obviously wins, but he’s afraid he’ll slip up and you’ll get away. He keeps you chained tighter for a while, at least until you’ve calmed down. No matter how long that takes.
He doesn’t tell you of his new infection, but he doesn’t hide it either. It’s just another mutation to him, one that’s more beneficial in a lot of ways once he realizes how much more he can do. He doesn’t really see why he should tell you, especially when you’re fighting him at every turn anyways. You’ll probably find out after seeing him storing blood bags in the fridge in his lab, which causes you to freak out.
Once you’re aware he’s a vampire, he’ll start feeding off you more since he finds it more convenient than going out. He likes holding you and just sinking his teeth into your shoulder while he works. It keeps you both still and close, and it prevents him from having to find his own food. He claims the prolonged contact helps you both bond whenever you try to fight him.
Donnie is obsessed with getting you infected as well. He’s terrified of losing you somehow now that he knows he doesn’t ever have to. He’ll hunt down the original mutant to get you bit, not even telling you of his plan until you’re already bit. He doesn’t want to give you a chance to try something stupid before he’s able to secure your place by his side, even if he knows he won’t be able to feed on you anymore.
He has two new punishments for you now that you joined him in the undead. While he isn’t afraid to withhold blood from you for misbehaving, he’s more likely to either force feed you normal food, which tastes awful and can make you nauseous, or he’ll only give you human blood. Both options leave you paranoid with the blood/food he gives you. If you ever try to refuse what he gives you, he’s not afraid to force it down your throat himself.
Threatens to give you blood from your family or friends if you continue to try and cause problems. While he wouldn’t ever really want to actually give you blood from a loved one, he’s not above lying and telling you the blood you're drinking is from them.
The new strength and speed you gain from being turned makes Donnie paranoid. Theoretically, you now have a better chance at escaping. To negate this problem, Donnie makes you wrist and ankle weights to slow you down. At least, until you give him a reason to slow you down permanently.
Raph only feeds off you when he’s too tired to go find his own food. He’s paranoid he’ll drain you, even when his brothers insist it’s impossible. He doesn’t see a reason to feed off you when he has a supply of animal blood at the ready. The difference in taste isn’t a big thing to him, and he doesn’t mind having to find his own food while he’s out. The sewers have plenty of small critters living around.
He’s terrified of hurting you. Raph knows he’s strong, and he’s not always the most sure footed because of his large size. When he accidentally hurt you before, he would coddle you for weeks, but now that he’s nearly twice as strong normally? He knows he’s going to have a lot of accidents, so he practically babies you until he’s adjusted to his new strength. He doesn’t care how suffocating you say he’s being, he refuses to let you be hurt when you don’t need to be.
Waits till you're older to turn you. He wants you to stay human for as long as possible. While he knows turning you would be beneficial as you’d be less likely to get hurt, he doesn’t like the idea of taking your humanity until he has to. Refuses to argue about turning you when he finally does. He mentions it once and doesn’t care how much you protest. He’s let you stay human for years longer than needed. You should be thanking him in his eyes.
Likes to hold you a lot more. He’ll keep you in his arms as he moves from room to room, or be cuddling you whenever you’re both alone. Having you with him forever makes him so happy, and he doesn’t want any time to go by without you feeling loved, or how he perceives loving you anyways.
Hates you when leave his sight. Now that you’re faster and stronger, he’s afraid you’ll do something stupid and try to run. He sees keeping you near him as him protecting you from yourself.
Doesn’t let up on his protective behavior, even though you’re now tougher. He’s not taking any chances with you and your safety. Any plea to leave and go outside is instantly shut down. You’re no longer human, you don’t need to go up top anymore. Your place is with him, forever.
He doesn’t tell you until he feels it’ll help him. He likes having the extra strength you won’t know about, at least until telling you benefits him. If you’re throwing a fit or have refused to talk to him for a while, he’ll flash his fangs and threaten to drain you until you pass out. After you know, he’ll constantly remind you of his heightened senses and strength. He doesn’t want you to forget how hard it will be to ever leave his side.
Is always a bit worried he’ll get too rough with you and hurt you more than he means to. His upgraded strength makes him more confident, but he doesn’t always remember how much strength he gained. Even as he teases you, he’s hesitant to actually try and mess with you in case he goes too far.
Dry bites a lot. He likes just sinking his fangs in your shoulder while he holds you close, liking the fact you’ll have the imprint of his teeth in your skin for a while. He doesn’t like to feed from you, since it makes him feel like a parasite, but he likes to see the faces you make when he touches the holes his teeth made in your skin.
Waits a while to turn you, mostly because he knows you’ll be able to run faster if you ever do get away. Before he turns you, he’ll start keeping you locked away more. He’ll have you turned while you’re asleep so you don’t even know what happened. In Leo’s opinion, the less you know about this, the better.
He’s ecstatic now that you’re going to be by his side forever. His worst nightmare was losing you, and now he’ll never have to worry about that again. You don’t have to worry about most diseases, death, or being alone now that you have him. Leo treats turning you like a huge favor, ignoring the fact he knows you never wanted it. He plays off hiding it like it was a surprise.
Pretty much solely feeds you animal blood at first, only giving you human if he feels you’re acting out too much. He doesn’t tell you of the change, but he knows it tastes different, and you do too. He doesn’t want to mess with your food too much, since blood is now the only thing you can consume.
If you ever do escape, he’ll probably go straight to an extreme now. You’re stronger, and you're more agile due to the mutation, which makes you harder to contain. He’s not willing to lose you, even if it means hurting you.
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iheartchv · 2 years
Can you do a vampire Donnie x F!Reader but in the 2012 series and with prompts and can you do a lemon for it too
89. Mating season 74. “Just relax.” 79. “Lay back and let me take care of you.” 58. Turtle bedroom 142. “Bite me.” 132. “Argue all you want, we both know you belong to me.” 123. “Don’t hold back.” 5. “MINE.” 32. “Do you trust me?” and Turning into a vampire
Could you add this to your Masterlist
// sorry if this seems rushed ;^_^7
//edit 1: I just realized that the full ending didnt save before I posted so.... I'll edit this very soon
//edit 2: I shortened the original ending because there is no way I was going to be able to write all of that again
Prompts©️ @turtle-babe83
Donnie and Reader are 18+; this was written by an adult for adults. No one under 18 please.
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Donnie told you not to worry, but how could you not worry when he started looking a pale green while hunched over his lab table, working day in and day out to cure whatever "blood disease" he caught from being bitten by some sort of mutated bat. You don't know how much longer he could withstand this, because he was getting weaker. Standing beside him, you begged for him to get some rest.
"Please, Donnie, you've got to get some kind of rest or you won't get better."
"I can't. I got to find the cure before-"
He suddenly fainted. You caught him before he fell to the ground. You helped ease him back in his comfy computer chair.
“Just relax.”
You couldn't stop thinking about the feel of his reptilian skin just now, how cold it was. You took his hand to press onto your warm cheek. What kind of disease was this? And what did he mean? Before what?
Leo, Mikey, and Raph helped you carry Donnie to his room. You adjusted and tried your best to make the bed comfortable enough for him. His breathing was slow, shallow. You hated seeing him like this.
"I know. We're worried, too." Leo reassured you.
"We can keep an eye on him, and call ya if somethings up. Get some sleep." Raph told you.
"Yeah, we'll take your place." Mikey said as he gave you a hug. You hugged him back. You tried your best not to cry; you cared for the turtles but you cared a whole lot for Donnie, and if anything happened to him...
"Thanks, guys. I'll see you."
You left the lair, tears falling down your cheeks. The mental picture of Donnie's ill stricken face haunted your thoughts. It wasn't going to be easy to get any sleep at all.
It's been a couple of days now (although he doesn't know yet its been that long). Donnie had long ago drifted into a long deep sleep and entered dream land. Y/N was there because she was the last thing he saw before blacking out from exhaustion. Then he remembered what he was going to say to her. Thoughts that he pushed to the back of his mind resurfaced. Thoughts of kissing her, tasting her lips, her skin... and her blood. No longer did he feel freezing cold, but felt a pain like fire and ice rushing through his veins, making him stir from his slumber.... He tried so hard to do something before mating season came... He was afraid this would happen. And try as he might, he couldnt stop thinking about wanting her, to make her his...
Your tphone rung. You never rushed to answer it so quickly. "Hello?"
"Hey, Y/N."
"Donnie! You're okay."
"Well, sort of. I'm feeling much better than before. Anyway, I was wondering if you could come to the lair and let me run a test. Its just to see how this virus would infect humans. And don't worry, I'll just need a drop of... blood."
You heard him gulp before he said the word blood. There was something about the tone in his voice, like he was hiding something. But still you agreed to go to the lair and help Donnie out with whatever he needed.
"Yeah. I'll be there soon. I'm glad that you're alright."
Upon entering the lair you was met with silence. It was weird to not hear any noise. You went to Donnie's lab to find him sitting in his chair and looking into a microscope, just like a couple of days ago. He wasn't his usual green shade, but at least he was recovering.
"Y/n, please take a seat. I'll be right with you."
You sat in the chair next to his table, waiting. You expected him to hug you and felt saddened when he didn't. It made you wonder if he was really alright... After a minute or so, Donnie got up from his seat and made his way to you. You looked up at him from anxiously twiddling your fingers.
"So, what's with this test, exactly?"
"I've got a sample of my blood with this virus underneath the microscope. I'll just..." He gingerly took your hand and upturned it in his palm while with his other hand he grabbed a tiny needle to prick the pad of your finger.
"Ah~" you softly gasped and winced.
"Oh, sorry."
He grabbed a glass slide and scrapped the drop of blood that pooled at your fingertip. Then he gave a hesitant kiss on your finger and quickly went to work. You couldn't stop your heart from beating and your cheeks heating up from what just happened.
When she walked through the door, her scent invaded his nostrils. He tried to keep his composure. He didn't want scare her with his sudden movements. As soon as her blood surfaced Donnie was met with an aroma so good it made his mouth water. He wanted a taste. A little wasn't going to hurt, was it?
Maybe he shouldn't have done that, because now thoughts of devouring her was stronger now than ever. He could hear her heart beating, which confirmed his assumptions.
You wanted to break this uncomfortable silence. You racked your brain to come up with something, anything. "Uhm, what's up with everyone? I didn't see or hear anyone around."
"I told them to isolate themselves, in case this was contagious to mutants... and to not leave until I gave the okay..." He noticed your silence and read your mind, too.
For some reason you felt like Donnie was hiding something or not speaking the whole truth. But he was studying the blood samples so maybe that's why his focus wasn't on you.
"Sooo... anything yet?"
"The virus is taking over your blood cells as well. It has vampire like characteristics. That means..." he trailed off as he stood from his seat. No, he couldn't let you suffer from this vampiric virus. However the urge to bite and drink your blood was almost overwhelming.
"It's also contagious to other living beings if bitten... and turns them into a vampire?" You pieced it all together. Donnie was bitten by a mutated vampire bat, turning him into a vampiric mutant turtle.
"Yes..." A looming silence fell in the room. "I will continue to work on an antidote, but I need to feed on... blood if I am to survive long enough to do that. I don't have enough time to create that and a substitute for blood at the same time." He was so hungry, so thirsty at the same time. He wouldn't even be able to concentrate.
“Bite me.”
Donnie whipped his around so fast to look at you with wide eyes. Did he hear you right? Did you just-?
"Bite me. Feed off of me if you need to." you said, exposing the side of your neck.
His dark brown gaze eyed your smooth skin, hearing the blood that flowed underneath. His muscles quivered as he struggled to not lose control, to not grab you and have his way with you right then and there. Mind over instinct, mind over instinct.
“Do you trust me?”
"You've never hurt me, Donnie. Please, I just want to help you."
He let out a long exhale. He didn't realize he'd been holding his breath. "Well, if that's what you want to do, I can't stop you," he small smiled at you. "Let's take this to my room. You'll want to rest on a bed afterward."
In his room, you tried to mentally prepare yourself for what you were going to experience. Randomly you thought of what Donnie tried to tell you before he blacked out. You asked him.
"Uhm, what did you mean a couple of days ago by 'I got to find the cure before'? Before what?"
"The reason why I tried to hurry with this antitode is because mating seasons around the corner. Well, it's actually here, now. Aaand that's another reason why I told everyone to stay in their rooms." Donnie told you, scratching the back his head in embaressment. "That's what I tried to tell you before."
You knew about the mating season of turtles, and other animals, because of documentaries, but would there be any differences since Donnie is a humanoid turtle?
"Though we are mutated to be human like, we still have turtle characteristics, so no, we're no different than our non mutated kin." He answered.
You blushed. All this time while you've been alone with your thoughts since you came down here, he's known what was on your mind. "S-stop reading my mind, Don."
His mouth curved into a smirk. The way his eyes darkened made your heart pound harder. “Argue all you want, we both know you belong to me.” he softly chuckled. "I know you've got feelings for me. I... I do, too. I've been wanting to kiss you for some time."
Donnie titled your chin and he looked into your eyes. "Will you let me?" He must've noticed ( or read your mind again xD ) you looked still a little uncertain of how all of this is supposed to go. Then in an instant your train of thought was nothing but on Donnie. His gaze was just so... hypnotizing. They seemed to glow an unnatural color, but they were still so beautiful.
"Yes~" you softly replied.
He slowly and gently pressed his mouth to yours kissed you, a hand wrapping around your waist.“Lay back and let me take care of you.” You heard his voice in your mind; you knew it had to have been because his lips were still on yours.
As soon as your back touched the matress, you closed your eyes and immersed yourself in this moment. Piece by piece clothes were peeled away. He slowly played with your body, studying every curve, memorizing the places you liked being touched. "Let me make you feel good, my sweet," he'd said and you had surrendered yourself completely to him and the fire his touch left behind.
His hands cupped your breasts while his mouth took turns sucling on your pert nipples. "Donnie~~" you mewled as your body wriggled, being taken over by desire. You wanted more. You softly moaned as you arched your back, telling him you wanted more. You whimpered as he made his way to your clenched thighs that tried to ease the ache between them. "Please don't stop."
It took everything he had to not lose himself. He hungered for you in so many ways. Gently he slid your pants and underwear down and off your legs. He was met with a gorgeous sight. Your pink slit was already glossed with arousal. He could smell you. And as much as he really wanted a taste, he had to fulfill your wish. He lied beside you and then pulled your backside against him.
"I'm going to touch you, now, but I'll be gentle, okay?" he whispered near your ear. "I'm going to make you orgasm first before we go further."
"Okay" you breathlessly let out.
Donnie smoothly snaked his hand down your belly to your core. Your body shivered at the first touch on your bud. "You're wet, so soft..." Then his fingertip slid down to your opening, nudging it just a little. "And so warm..." he purred.
You couldn't help but to groan at the pleasure you were feeling now. Your body was confused as to where your hips should move: up into his hand or to arch your back and have your bottom grind against his lower plastron. You felt pressure building as he alrernated between playing with your nub and slide his finger inside you, brushing along your gspot.
He knew you were close. His other arm looped under and up around you to cup your breast, his thumb twirling around the nipple, while his other hand pleasured you in unison. The sounds you made excited him. He could hear your heart beating and your blood rushing so fast.
"That's it, y/n, you can do it. I've got you. Don’t hold back.”
Lewd sounds escaped you as you neared your climax. Your hands held onto his arms as wave after wave of ecstasy washed over, until the final one. Your breath quickened, and you cried out as the knot that was wound up in your lower belly finally came unraveled. Your slick walls clenched around his digit.
"D-Don~ Donnie~"
"Yes, princess, you're mine. MINE.”
As you came, Donnie's fangs retracted and bit your neck, drinking your blood. The pain quickly became pleasure, melding into the bliss you were already feeling. Having his fill he licked the puncture wounds to try to close it. He felt better having blood in his system. You had blacked out from the intensity of the love making, but he held you, waiting for the process to be complete. The virus seemed to spread faster in nonmutated organisms, so maybe it wouldnt take you so long to become a vampire.
You fluttered your eyes and found yourself in Donnie's arms. He smiled down at you, his fangs showing. You then felt to see if you had... yes, you had fangs, as well.
"How are feeling?"
"I'm a little... thirsty."
He gave you his wrist. "Here, I'll let you feed off me. Or..." He pointed to his neck. "You can bite me here, if you want." He blushed.
You giggled. "I'll just sink my fangs into your wrist. I don't want to accidently tear... anything..."
"Don't worry, I'll teach you where it'll be okay to feed from without worries."
He let out a gasp and then softly moaned when your new fangs pierced his flesh to draw blood. If this was even a fraction of what you felt, then he he wanted to experience the same pleasure he gave you.
When you were done, he rolled you over on your back. It took you by surprise but it kinda turned you on to see Donnie's smouldering gaze. He kissed you hard and you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer into you.
Donnie's fingers and tongue touched and licked every inch of you. He was making sure you were more than ready for him. Because playtime was over. And he didn't waste no time getting you into position on your hands and knees. He spread you wide and started sliding inside your soaked pussy.
You moaned as he stretched you to your limits, probably past your limits. He didn't stop until he felt the start of your cervix, pulled back and slammed back inside. It took your breath away, but as soon as you took a breath Donnie started pounding away at you. His eyes glowed whitish blue and his fangs were bared. The grip on your hips was going to be left bruised, as well as your insides, but what you were feeling was beyond anything you could've imagined. All you could do was grip his sheets and hold on for the ride.
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lil-beanz000 · 11 months
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"This Is The Skin Of A Killer!!"
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river9000 · 22 days
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forgetful-nerd · 8 months
So uh- if 2003! Donnie met 2012! Donnie do y’all think he’d be slight unsettled by his reddish eyes because of…..ya know….
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The “Good Genes” episode?
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yanteetle · 1 year
vampire Raphael
anyways thank you for coming to my ted talk 😌
also eat a descent meal, brush your teeth, AND DRINK WATER
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"Just a small bite.. just a little bit, I promise..."
i passed out several times drawing this. Thank you for bringing me to your very lovely Ted talk <33 I think I went a little ham on this one, but I swear he's just asking for a teeny bit of blood. Just a eeny meeny bit :))
Taglist: @dynaspamm@faetaiity@fried-milkfish@milks-thoughts@hearteyedracoon@crystallinecryogenics@m0nster-fluffer@syrinxmeadow@zxphy@mellytumbles@nekonekoastume@sockidox@temmerlover@ramblehour@redak-ted
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Splinter: This is madness! What can you have been thinking?! You are a kunoichi! Lives depend upon you! I make allowances for your youth, but I expect a certain amount of responsibility. And instead you enslave yourself to this... this... cult?
April, in a cheerleader uniform: You don't like the color?
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mohammedhabib90 · 4 months
Despite the killing, destruction and famine in northern Gaza, we regain our strength in our visit to the Gaza seashore ❤️‍🩹🍉
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215 notes · View notes
ccomilk · 7 months
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ditzyblues · 1 year
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i return from the dead to provide some very late Halloween Capril Art!! the whole time i was working on commissions i couldn't stop thinking about a vampire casey (she has fangs in the show) and a vampire hunter april. So here you go sweet thangs.... enjoy
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oleander-nin · 10 months
Vampire ROTTMNT Headcanons
A/N, not important: You're probably thinking "Ollie, this is so short and wonky? What gives?" And to that, I say: I didn't know whether to make it old timey, how they became vamps, etc, so I'm going with this version for the normal rise, and a Victorian version for the Yan and I'll just bounce them around sometimes whenever I revisit this trope. I have how I want vampires to act, just not sure how/when I want the rise boys to be vamps. Feel free to ask questions if you need clarification or want a certain thing answered. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.
CW: Blood drives, mention of needles, blood, being bitten, animal deaths mentioned, vampires
Words: 2127
Summary: My Basic Vampire ROTTMNT Headcanons
Tag list: @f1oricide
They all got infected/turned after being bit by a vampire bat mutant.
Mikey has the longest canines of his brothers, something that causes him to avoid feeding on living things as much as he can. He tried once and felt awful for the cries it made, so he usually goes out and tries to find newly deceased animals, or steals from a butcher. Will also kill animals if he has to. His longer canines also make it harder for him to hide his ‘condition’, but he’ll usually brush accusations off with comments of genetics or his mutation.
Constantly bites his lips while talking, the long fangs getting in his way. He basically has to relearn how to enunciate his words due to them. He gets easily frustrated by his inability to speak well, and gets irritated easier because he can’t explain why he’s feeling upset.
He’s able to adjust to most of the new abilities fairly easily, as all of them are already incredibly strong and fast due to their mutation. The night vision and sensitivity to light, however, excites him. He’s content to wear sunglasses during the day if they need to go out, and the ability to see better in the dark makes their night missions a lot easier. Plus, he’s now able to stay up all night painting without alerting his brothers to him being up so late.
Absolutely despises that he basically can’t cook anymore. He still makes food for his father, but he can’t even touch half the best ingredients without gagging anymore. Food smells rancid at best, and tastes thick and unsavory no matter how much he tries to fix it.
He’s always trying to snuggle up with you now, his skin constantly cold from the lack of circulation. He likes to latch onto you and bury his face into your stomach, trying to pretend he’s still alive and well.
He likes to bite the deltoid of your shoulder the most because he can hug you close while he does it, but still drape himself over you. You’re the only human blood he usually gets, but he only does it when you offer it first. He doesn’t want to accidentally pressure you into letting him feed off you if you’re not comfortable with it.
Hates to think that he won’t age with you. As he starts to grow faster than normal via the virus, he’s constantly having growing pains and this causes him to come to you for comfort more. He doesn’t like that he’s basically shooting into adulthood, and since none of them have experienced it before, they aren’t sure when it will stop. When it peaks when they seem to be in their mid twenties, Mikey just feels sad. You may not have aged a decade in a year, but your aging never stops. He’s terrified to watch your years pass by without him.
Donnie has the shortest canines, which causes him to look the most ‘normal’ to his original self. He prefers to have human blood, solely taste wise, but usually has SHELLDON get it for him rather than hunting himself because he hates drinking straight from the source. He transfers it into bottles or bags so he can save it and stock up. He avoids drinking from animals mainly because he doesn’t trust them to have parasites or rabies, and while he isn’t happy about drinking from random humans, he can at least hack into their medical records first. Donnie chooses his blood incredibly carefully.
You and April(if she lets him) are the only people he’ll feed on directly. If April lets him, he’ll usually do it like a blood drive and just take a small bit of her blood into a blood bag. For you, it depends. If you’re scared of needles, he’ll just do it the ‘normal’ way, but if not, he’ll let you choose to get it done via blood collection. Where he likes to bite depends on his mood. Sometimes the neck is easiest because you’re just right there and he hasn’t eaten in hours. Sometimes the lower shoulder or the wrist is better because you’re both just trying to get it over with. 
He keeps a journal of all the changes that happen to him and his brothers, wanting to keep a list in case they come across someone else it happens to. Their entire mutation/transition is well documented so he doesn’t forget what it was like when it first happened.
It takes him a hot minute to get used to his new heightened senses. His least favorite is his sensitive smell, as anytime he goes near something pungent, he feels physically ill. It takes him a while to go back to the junkyard, the rust and oil making his head spin until he adjusts. He adds stronger noise dampeners to his goggle headset to block out unwanted noise when he needs silence.
He’s constantly complaining of his growing cramps, using you as a pillow more and more now that his hands are stiff from both working and from growing. His mood sours for a long time due to the countless changes he doesn’t want. The only good thing he seems to find from it is that being a vampire will improve his ‘bad boy image’. He completely negates this by curling into you after his legs cramp up and ends up cuddling you for hours.
As soon as he realizes that he will outlive you by a longshot, he tries to find a way to either elongate your life, or shorten his. He refuses to let you leave him. While he’s excited for many years to practice science, the thought of losing you terrifies him, especially since he thought he’d die with you, rather than live on for a millennia afterwards.
Is already used to the fangs due to his snaggle tooth. While everyone else is accidentally biting their own lips and tripping over their tongue, he’s able to navigate the new longer teeth fairly easily. He still accidentally bites his tongue a couple of times, but less so than his brothers.
Hates to bite others, and usually feeds on animals. He doesn’t want to be seen as a monster any more than he knows he would already be considered. He avoids feeding for as long as he can, and even tried to continue eating ‘normal’ food for a while, until they all realized it gave them net zero nutrition so they couldn’t survive off it. He eventually gets more used to it and starts eating what he should, but for the first few months he feels incredibly guilty and tries to only eat enough to last a couple hours.
Raph tells you of his new ‘infection’ immediately. He doesn’t want you to figure out accidentally by catching him drinking blood or something.
While he hates biting you, his favorite place to is your shoulder. He likes to have you cuddle into him with your back against his chest so he can just bury his snout into the crook of your neck. The first time he bit you was an accident while he was asleep, and since he wasn’t eating as much as he was supposed to, he bit you while you both were cuddling. He woke up pretty quickly and pulled back, feeling awful about it. His kisses were solely light and soft weeks after that because he was worried he’d accidentally cut you again.
Raph’s more careful around you now, trying to adjust to the nearly doubled strength he now has. He’s clumsy and big, so even when he didn’t have vampire strength, he had to learn to watch out and not play rough with you like he would his brothers. It’s like he has his ninpo powered on all the time now, so it takes him a while to make the adjustment. You gain a few new bruises and countless apologies before he finally gets the hang of it.
His new growth doesn’t help with his clumsiness, especially since he’s shooting up nearly two feet in a year. He’s always sore, so he carries you around like a teddy bear to keep him company. He refuses to think of you growing old without him, refuses to remind himself that as your body starts to wear down, he stays frozen in time.
The one thing he likes about being a vampire is his heightened senses. He always knows where you are, and he doesn’t even have to turn on the light at night to make sure you’re safe. He can see you curled up on the couch or on his bed without disturbing you, and it shortly makes up for the other horrors he goes  through in his transformation.
Least caring about his new fangs. He thinks they’re cool, constantly teasing others and you by baring his fangs and bringing his hands up in mock claws while hissing. For a while, he goes full into the vampire getup, trying to talk in an accent, saying “bleh bleh bleh” after every sentence, just as much as he can to try and make his new condition unserious. He wants to pretend it’s something fun and not that he’s basically no longer alive
His favorite place to bite is your wrist. He thinks it’s hilarious to bow and grasp your hand as if he’s going to kiss your knuckles, only to flip your arm and sink his teeth into your upper forearm or wrist. Even when he’s not being goofy with it, he still chooses your wrist because he feels he can control it better. If something happens, it’s much easier for you to push him off when he’s holding onto your wrist then biting into your neck. He knows he won’t hurt you, but he’s afraid he might start to drain you, and doesn’t want that to happen.
Leo uses his new powers to show off, creeping up on you in the dark and making jumps he couldn’t make before. He knows he’s stuck like this now and just wants to make the best of it. Sure, he knows it sucks, but goofing around to make his brothers feel better too always makes it a little bit easier.
He tries to ignore the fact he’ll outlive you, passing it off with jokes about him being a trophy husband because he’ll always look young. He’ll hold you close if you ever start to get sad about it, quietly reminding you that you’re not going to die anytime soon, and he’ll be with you for your entire life.
Constantly whines about the growing pains and cramps, using it to bribe you into longer cuddles. He’ll teleport to your side so he doesn’t have to move and just collapse into you. He just wants you near while the aches settle into his bones.
Basic Vampire functions via Draxum mutation:
(sorry it's so jumbled. I hope it all makes sense, ask me if you have questions)
Heightened senses, including eyesight, strength, speed, hearing, and smell. The strengthened eyesight is more sensitive to light, which makes bright lights uncomfortable. They can still be in the sun, just can’t see well due to it which makes being out during the day unappealing to them. Can’t spread being a vampire via a bite(has to be from the original mutant or the string of mutagen). Can only consume blood, although it can be the blood of any organism. Their bite produces a numbing agent(much like a mosquito) so you can’t feel the initial prick or suck. Once the agent wears off, it’s much like the ache of a shot. They must be decapitated to be stopped. Cannot shapeshift nor fly. Common myths(ie: can’t enter a house w/out permission, garlic repulsed, no reflection, etc) don’t apply. They are put off by garlic, but mostly because of its strong, pungent smell, but can’t be stopped by it. They get the same reaction from onions and strong scented flowers. For them, eating normal food is the equivalent of us eating grass. It’ll fill you up, but you can’t digest it or take any nutritional value from it and you’ll probably get sick. The only problem is it both tastes and smells awful. Vampires are immune to any bloodborne diseases. Becoming a vampire starts to change your body into what would pretty much be your best years. Within a year, you would either advance or regress into the physical stature of a fit 25 year old on steroids. If you’re older and your back has started to give out and hunch, you’d regain your height and your muscle mass would be fixed. You’d be stuck as a young adult. Vampires have fast regeneration, and while they can’t regrow lost limbs, a major stab wound can heal in just hours.
Used for biological explanations and for reminders of the different bodily changes in vampires
Used for basic history, descriptions, and a characteristics
Blood consumption after death
More history/characteristics
Vampire lore by region
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iheartchv · 2 years
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//Okay, so instead of saving my draft, tumblr posted the original ask... while I was still working on it... I'm sorry 😞 i took screenshots of what I had wrote because i really dont wanna type all of that again, especially with me not having no time
Prompts(c) @turtle-babe83
Mikey x reader are 18+; this was written by an adult for adults. If you're under 18, go else where, please, this isn't a place for you.
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You went back home to gather what you needed and headed back to the lair. You had left a note on your front door that you were going somewhere for a week. You didn't have to worry about anyone breaking in because Donnie had long ago installed a security system for you.
Once you stepped foot in the lair Mikey appeared. It seemed like his ninja skills were put to use in overtime. His senses were on alert, heightened.
"Y/n, where were you? I've been looking for you, and you know I cant go out when its daylight."
"Calm down, I just went to get some stuff." You sighed. "I'm going to stay with you for a week so you won't bite everyone's heads off."
He huffed. "I can't help it. Just the thought of-"
"I know, I know, Mikey. You don't have to worry about that now." You shushed him. You held his face in your hands and pressed your lips into his to kiss him. You felt his hands then his arms wrap around your waist, holding you close to him.
You could tell this orange banded turtle was horny. He was getting really handsy, and a little impatient. He was already loosening his gear, letting them fall to the ground, and tried to pull your shirt off.
"Whoa, baby, not here. Let's go to your room" you smirked at him.
"Ooooo, girl, you don't know what you got yourself into" He playfully growled and started sucking and licking that spot on your neck that made you shiver from lust. You wanted him, but you knew he wanted you more. You led him to his room, closed and locked the door behind you, and let him devour you. He almost tore your shirt and bra apart just to get to your warm soft flesh.
"Mikey~~~" you softly moaned.
"That's right, baby, you're MINE."
He snuggled his head between your breasts for a moment before his tongue trailed up your neck to the shell of your ear, making you shiver again. He heard your blood rushing through your veins, and he stopped his ministrations for a moment.
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"I do, but... I'm scared of what'll happen afterward. I don't want to leave you alone, though..."
Mikey hurt everywhere: his heart hurt for you, he was hungry for your blood, and his cock throbbed to feel you wrapped around him, which was making his shell tighten. You caused all of this to happen to him. He wanted you, for all time.
"Do you trust me?"
He pressed his forhead against yours. "Its okay, babes. I'll help you with everything." he promised. He will try his hardest to make your life as comfortable as possible. He firmly kissed you again, taking your breath away. "I love you, y/n."
"I love you, too, Mikey."
You caressed his speckled cheek, looking into his blue eyes, glowing from his vampiric, and his animalistic, need to have you. His body started moving you towards his bed. When the side of the matress hit the back of your legs, you sat down on the edge, waiting for whatever Mikey had planned.
"Just Relax. Lay back and let me take care of you."
"But I want to take care of you, too~" your voice purred as your fingertips danced and circled his cloaca.
He moaned. "You can do that later. Right now, I just want to eat you out because..." He flashed his fangs. "I'm starving. I've been thinking about you all day..." He kissed his way down your body, pushing you to lay back and spreading your thighs apart. "I want to have you screaming and begging for me until you can't take anymore."
He went down on you, knowing exactly what you liked. He licked, sucked, and teased your clit. You were already wet and so desperate to have him. Your desire to have him inside you made you whine and writhe your body underneath his touch.
"Please, what, babygirl?"
You whimpered in response as your muscles spasmed, wanting something bigger to fill you.
"You're gonna have to use your words, baby" he teased. His cock was finally free and ready to pound you into the matress.
"Please~ I need you~ I want you to take me and mark me as yours~ Bite me.~"
That smirk on his face made you more aroused. Mikey nipped your inner thigh before settling himself between your legs. "Okay. I'm gonna slide myself inside, then I'm gonna drink your blood. Ready?"
The head of his dick slid into your tight wet cavern. You loved the burn that set your body in flames as he slowly stretched you. You let out cries and moans of pleasure and arched your body to take more of him even though he was as deep as he could go.
His fangs sunk into your neck, letting your life blood flow down his throat. The copper taste was addicting, a whole lot better than the alternative that Donnie made. He tried his best to be gentle with you; his focus was on trying to make you feel good. And he must've been doing it right because you were making sounds he never heard before and your slick muscles gripped him tighter, keeping him there.
You blacked out for a moment. "Hey, are you alright?" he had asked you. "Yeah, I'm okay." You felt him still hard inside you, and you felt the fire ignite again instantly. Your arousal seemed to have sky rocketed, too. You weren't this aroused before; all you could think about was being taken fast and hard by Mikey.
"Here. You're going to need to drink some blood first, my little vampirella."
He exposed the side of his neck and leaned down on top of you. You wrapped your arms and legs around him as your fangs pierced his skin to drink his blood. The taste was a little strange at first but how it was making you feel was intoxicating. He pulled you off when he felt that you had your fill and told you to lick his wounds to heal them.
On your signal he started moving inside you slow, and then held your hips as he jackhammered into you. The headboard thumped against the wall, the bed creaked. You moaned loudly as he quickly got you to your orgasm. "Mikey!" you screamed over and over as you rode out the waves of ecstasy that crashed over you.
Coming down from your high, you tried to calm your beating heart. However, you was ready for a round 2. That was totally fine with him because he wasn't through with you. He unwrapped your legs and pushed them up towards your chest, opening yourself more as he reached the parts of you that had ached.
"Oh, god...." his speech was jumbled, his brain was no longer functional for rational thought. He was primal, wild. He gave up control and rocked into you so hard and so fast you could barely catch a breath. He pants and groans gave you an indication that he was getting close, which turned you on and made you moan.
"M-Mikey! Michelangeloooo~ Deeper, cum inside me. I want you, I want you~♡"
"I want you, too, y/n, baby. Im almost there, almost there." he whimpered as the pressure he felt building was being stretched out like a rubber band. He was about to come undone. You told him to thrust harder, and within a few strokes he made you come hard around him.
This orgasm was intense but felt so good. You felt his hot seed shoot deep inside you. With as much as he had, you're pretty sure you were filled and more with his turtle chowder. The afterglow made you feel giggly and light as a feather.
"So I've got a week of this... to look forward to..."
"I told you you had no idea what you were getting youself into." 😁
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tmntkiseki · 5 months
Oh yeah, I was skimming through the Mirage issues from Volume 4 the other day (specifically the ones where Raph undergoes his secondary mutation) and I just
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hitwiththetmnt · 11 days
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Halloween always brings out my sweet tooth (*゚∀゚*)
Full pic on my substar☆
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sariphantom · 1 year
🍂Risetober 2023 Day 25: Vampire🍂
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Had to skip the prompts I've missed because I was falling way behind on Risetober. Will get back to them after it ends.
Originally, Leo was going to be the vampire, but I've already drawn him a lot for Risetober so... I'm giving this one to Mikey for a change.
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yanteetle · 1 year
Can we see a vampire donnie??
If you want to!
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This is all we're getting in terms of vampire Donnie :)) I wanted to do a warmup sketch and this just came up!
Taglist: @dynaspamm @faetaiity @fried-milkfish @milks-thoughts @hearteyedracoon @crystallinecryogenics @m0nster-fluffer @syrinxmeadow @zxphy @mellytumbles @nekonekoastume @sockidox @temmerlover @ramblehour @redak-ted
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